Element Types

Node numbering of the elements and the type numbers used in the Result Format (frd-file). The solvers might use different node-numbering rules.

\put(0,0){\epsfig{file=be2.eps,width=9cm} }
2 node beam element (be2, type 11) }

\put(0,360){\epsfig{file=be3.eps,width=9cm} }
...th=10cm} }
3 node shell element (tr3, tr3u, type 7) }

\put(0,360){\epsfig{file=tr6.eps,width=10cm} }
...ps,width=10cm} }
4 node shell element (qu4, type 9) }

\put(0,360){\epsfig{file=qu8.eps,width=10cm} }
...e=te4.eps,width=10cm} }
4 node tet element (type 3) }

\put(0,310){\epsfig{file=te10.eps,width=10cm} }...
...ps,width=10cm} }
8 node brick element (he8, type 1) }

\put(0,360){\epsfig{file=he20.eps,width=10cm} }...
...eps,width=6cm} }
6 node penta element (pe6, type 2) }

\put(0,360){\epsfig{file=pe15.eps,width=6cm} }
15 node penta element (pe15, type 5) }