
   'plot' ['n'|'e'|'f'|'p'|'l'|'s'|'b'|'S'|'L'|'sh'|'si']&->
          ['a'|'b'|'c'|'d'|'n'|'p'|'q'|'t'|'v'] ->
          <set> ['b'|'g'|'k'|'m'|'n'|'r'|'t'|'w'|'y'] [<width>->
This keyword is used to display the entities of a set. Entities already visible will be erased. The following types of entities are known:

Nodes n, Elements e, Faces f, Points p, Lines l, Surfaces s, Bodies b, Nurbs Surfaces S, Nurbs Lines L, Shapes sh and the shaded (illuminated) surfaces si

The entities can be displayed in the following colors:

White w, Black k, Red r, Green g, Blue b, Yellow y, Magenta m, Neutral 'n' (metallic grey) and turquois t

To display the entities with attributes, use the type in combination with an attribute (second letter). For example

plot la all

will display all lines with their names. The attribute d works only for lines,

plot ld all

will display all lines with their division and bias (see bia). The division is given by the numbers (1-99) following the # sign and the bias by the leading numbers. If there is more than one number in front of the division, the number has to be divided by a factor of ten to get the bias (101#30 means a bias of 10.1 and a div of 30).

plot ln all

shows potential node locations. The attribute p works only for lines. In this case the lines with its end-points are drawn:

plot lp all

This is useful to detect the begin and end of all lines. If end-points are deleted, the line is also deleted. Therefore special care with end-points is necessary. The key c combines the line parameters d, p, n:

plot lc all

The lines are drawn with their end-points, potential node positions and divisions. Shaded surfaces

plot si all

can only be displayed if the interiour was previously calculated, which is done with the command “rep” or “mesh”. The attribute t applies only to nodes and will display only the ones which have attached texts:

plot nt all

will display only the nodes which have attached texts out of the set 'all'. They are created with ”qadd”, ”qenq” or ”qtxt”. The attribute “width” determines the number of pixels used for the thickness of the entity (points, nodes, lines):

plot l all 4

will display all lines with a width of 4 pixels. This works also for 2D faces and beams. The attribute n works for nodes only:

plot nn set1

will display the nodes in set set1 with their numerical values. The attribute v works for nodes, faces ane elements. This attribute is used to display results with colors representing their values:

plot nv set1

plot fv set1

plot ev set1

Actually this is what happens automatically if the user selects an ”Entity” from ”Datasets” in the ”menu”. The faces can be displayed in a transparent manner with the attribute b:

plot fb set1 t 33

will display the faces in turquois color with a transparency of 33%.

plot fvb set1 33

will display the faces with their colored values with a transparency of 33%. A default transparency is used if a number is not given.

The attribute q works only for elements. With this attribute, only elements which do not pass the element-quality check are displayed:

plot eq all

The threshold for the element-quality is defined with ”eqal”.

To plot additional entities, see plus.